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AD&D Insurance

Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance can be added to the group health insurance of your company to help to reduce the burden that can be a result of life’s unexpected tragedies. Recognizing the importance of providing quality benefits to will help employees as well as the family. The family can use this benefit any way they choose — maybe set the money aside as an emergency fund, use it to supplement college or retirement savings, or simply pay off a mortgage or other debts. Dion Jayakoddy Retirement & Insurance will provide AD&D Insurance which rounds out an all-inclusive insurance package for your employees.

What AD&D Insurance Covers

(for both Standard & Enhanced)

  • Loss of life

  • Loss of hand

  • Loss of foot

  • Loss of sight in one eye

  • Loss of all fingers (same hand)

  • Loss of all toes (same foot)

  • Loss of thumb and index finger (same hand)

  • Loss of great toe

Should You Get an AD&D Insurance?

Insurance for accidental death and other related losses is often attractive to young people. Why? Remember, people between the ages of 25-44 are statistically more likely to die from an accident than from an illness. Within this age range, a lot of people might not have disability insurance.


If an accident occurs, as long as the type of accident isn’t one that’s excluded, the benefits of an accidental death policy can help your family replace lost income. An AD&D policy can be especially useful for those whose job depends on physical capabilities.

Learn more about how Dion Jayakoddy Retirement & Insurance can help provide the additional protection your employees may need. Contact us to learn more about how we can work together.

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